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About Myself

I am an Advanced Wellness Facilitator specializing in both emotional/spiritual & functional physical health with over 4000 hours of training, in both recognized and esoteric studies.

This includes Kinetic Massage therapy, Shiatsu, Shamanic Healing, Energy-based Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Reiki, Chakra balancing, EFT tapping, ''The Bars'' & Flower Essences, Guided Meditation and more.


I've always had enourmous excitement around learning new modalities that complement each other.


In May of 2024 I discovered an emerging, non-invasive, completely natural way to achieve Optimal Physical Wellness.

Despite a healthy Lifestyle, my biology was not immune to age-related deterioration.


I was introduced to a Regenerative Technology backed by over 40 patents and vigorous scientific trials. I showed the studies to a Holistic Pharmacist, an Orthomolecular Nutritonist and Naturpathic colleagues, who found the clinical trials to be science-based and credible.


It's similar to Phototherapy and is activated by our body's heat. It consists of small non-transdermal patches which we place on acu-points on our body.


This breakthrough health technology ''wakes-up'' dormant master-cells to provide vitality and reset our biological clock.


I look forward to answering any questions, to anyone curious to know more about this effective & proven physical healing that improves our capacity to remain vigorous and live to our fullest. It's said that the way in which we age is a disease.

I have quantifiable results after using these patches for 6 months, which I'd be pleased to show you!


Are you ready

 to easily access
Wellbeing to Be your Normal?

Call or email me to set-up a Virtual coffee session, as I'm happy to answer any of your questions.

I offer Zoom, Skype, FB Messenger or in-house Sessions




In Montreal? Let's meet for a physical espresso or tisane.