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Tarot Courses
Intensive Mastery
TAROT Course 


By  Master Card Reader & Clairvoyant
Hellen StarLake

 If you view the offerings of most Tarot courses, they are offered in parts, so you may learn the Major Arcana in 2 days, and then if you are able, the Minors will be offered at a later date.
Then a separate Course for the Court cards is given a etc. etc. etc.

People end up more confused, and they don’t get to practice.

The teacher doesn’t assist with her interpretations; so you are left to struggle on your own with other students who are uncertain and also stumbling along.

You are not taught the basics of clearing your mind to read with clarity, or the different ways that intuition works with or without the cards.
 If my approoch intrigues you and you also wish to learn how to implement a  Psycho-Spiritual Coaching aspect to your readings of self and others, do not hesitate to contact me.

This Path ensures that you are able to offer integrity and transparency in your readings.

This Course is suitable for those who just want a divining tool for themselves, AND for those interested in pursuing a side-line career.

Here are the Course details.
8 weeks, 3 hours each session.

March 23 - April 27 2024

You will learn the entire deck, and by the end of the Course be able to do a variety of Spreads, including the Iconic Celtic Cross.
You will need to provide your own deck, preferably the Rider-Waite; any style.
    1,895.00$  ( only $10 plus change per hour)
to be well on your way to offering Tarot Mastery and begin giving readings.

Contact me for more info or to Register 
payable by March 19th
Held at the beautiful Meta 1111 Studio
5440 Queen Mary #103 H3X 1V6
5 minute walk from Metro Snowdon
3 block west of Decarie  

Tarot Numerology or Birth-Pairs is an 8 week Course offered to all Tarot Enthusiasts & Readers who are confidently and have been using Tarot for at least 6 months.

It is a fascinating journey into the Psycho-Dynamics  of the Major Arcana as ourselves and the people we KNOW, OR READ FOR.
USING Tarot Numerology WE discover the Pairs TO  Comprehend the unique polorities  we  hold within our energy, and how the un-owned aspects then create stuck energy or depression.  When balanced the polarities complement and balance each other.
We can implement more deeply the Psycho-Spiritual aspects that tarot was always meant to offer us.
You will be able to perceive how, why, and where you or your Seekers are Stuck, and how to get Unstuck

The Birth-Pairs Course has alot of Theory.
We will also be delving into advanced spreads & permutations.

If time permits we will look more closely at Elemental Dignities.


I am starting a Waiting List for August 2024

Contact me for more info 
Intuitive & Trusting
Gullible & Impressionable
Intuitive & Trusting or Gullible & Impressionable


Some are choosing to take private lessons with me.
The benefit is that you can start immediately and whatever time you prefer.

The one drawback is that you will be practicing with me, and not have different experiences with other students.

The plus is that you will go at your own pace, and not be slowed down by someone who is taking more time.

You will have your pressing questions addressed immediately & in private.

You may also feel more comfortable in sharing personal information.

The cost is 125.00 per Session of 2 hours

The time to finish Level 1 is 7 - 10 weeks.
It depends on each individual.

Please contact me for more information.