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FAQ - How can this be Possible?
Mindfulness & Being Present to what is without judgement or drama, creates harmony. By simply being with your breath for the simple joy of it, increases inner silence. Inner Silence increases your power of intuition. When our Decisions come from that place of balanced intuition and inner peace, we are fulfilled and satisfied with Life.
This is The Secret to Manifesting with ease. It comes from the inside, and this then aids with transforming your external life.
There is no magic pill, device or anything outside of ourselves. The Power is all within, that is the Secret.
Many stressors pull us away from this innate knowing. Having Challenges is part of being human, moving through them with Equanimity is a skill which we need to cultivate. I have begun this series of Empowering & Life-transforming MP3's with this most basic yet necessary life tool. The Breath!
When we are in Harmony, we feel clear about decisions, we trust our intuition, we become Masters of our own Universal Truth.
Simply choose the intentions above, and listen to Breath IN at least once per day.
This will help you move out of drama and fear-based realities.
You can also fall asleep with it. The waves and surf continue for an extra 12 minutes following the guided meditation, to further your wellbeing, by allowing the expansiveness of Mother Earth and Water to hold you in her safe embrace.
You can choose anything you wish for. Perhaps you would like to cultivate mindfulness, equaminity, and balanced emotions.
Others would like to begin bypassing mind chatter, to live more fully from our heart center, to come up with creative solutions to life's decisions and challenges.
Or perhaps the ability to trust your intuition or gut feelings, instead of choosing fear is your goal.
When we are fullfilled, relaxed and receptive, abundance in all forms can come to us, and money will follow as well.
This is all part of embodying a new and expanded vision of who we are, to inspire and co-create in harmony with infinite possibilites.
We are able to see opportunities and potentials, and manifest reality from a stable foundation.
Inner Peace is Empowerment.