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Rejuvenation Technology



Are you interested in Wearable Rejuvenating Body-Patches using concepts of photo-therapy that uses our body's heat to achieve optimal wellness?


It is proven technology that is anti-aging, relieves pain, increases muscle recovery and promotes relaxing sleep.


It is not about living forever, it's about living your best life.


Please contact me for a FREE discovery call to answer all of your questions and show you all you need to know.




Zoom, Skype, FB Messenger, in-house meetings available



My Story


Like so many I was set adrift in 2020 when my MD retired. He was old fashioned, a good listener and always offered support & guidance around medical issues.


Being in the Holistic field, I had a healthy diet & lifestyle, yet being contained in a biological bubble called the body is greatly affected by pollution, and we cannot avoid the breakdown of stem cell production, despite using all kinds of supplements.


I had already found a natural substitute for statin drugs to manage cholesterol, but natural supplementation has not caught up to all the needs of an aging body yet.


Indeed, I had even managed to avoid gall-bladder removal using homeopathy, but I became aware of 2 medications I use, that decrease gall-bladder function, so I needed another better alternative to homeopathy.


To add to this, navigating the Health System without an MD was a nightmare of epic proportions. The rules change constantly, and even medical people cannot keep up.


To be concise, I have discovered ( very new in Canada) Natural Wellness Patches which reverse aging processes in the body, relieve pain, improve performance for professional atheletes, provide restful sleep, and basically reset wellness.


It has been said that the way in which we age, is a disease in itself. This does not have to happen to you!


The patches are based on photo-therapy. There are no side-effects.


I have had amazing results in just a few weeks of use. I have suffered from constant, debilitating heat rising up to my face which reduced by 90%. Chronic, pounding pain in my temples with nausea are now 50% less. In only 2 weeks. 


Muscle pain after mild exercising or yoga is no more. Nor is walking about, pulling a grocery pulley, carrying laundry baskets up and down stairs, vacuuming, all the daily necessities are no longer causing strain. I even have patches to remove pain for those times I've overdone it.


The Energy-based patches are based on Science and has over 40 patents based on clinical studies.


If you are looking to enhance Sport Performance, improve mental clarity, increase vitality, improve skin apearance and much more do not hesitate to contact me for more information and a FREE Discovery session.




Zoom, Skype, FB Messenger, in-house meetings are available