is for Awakening Humans who are emotionally balanced but feel that they are consistently under-achieving
or self-sabotaging
their goals for Abundance & Success in all of its forms.
If you are experiencing repetitive patterns of things you don't want, the Allowing Process may be right for you.
Many of us do not understand when to put effort into achieving our goals,
and when to Let-Go and Allow.
The Art of Effortless Manifestation requires us to know when to relax and ALLOW things to unfold and simply happen.
By constantly putting energy into how things should & must unfold, we actually throw loops into the algorhythms that The Universe is designing to manifest our desires, hopes and dreams.
Imagine an Archer, focusing on their target and about to let the arrow soar, when suddenly they pull back or do the reverse. Often being a perfectionist results in giving up and just letting the arrow fly in hopes it will land anywhere.
The Archer must let-go & trust in the process.
When we let go of the target or end-goal, because we have achieved the discipline of our form,
( our desire for abundance )
our arrow /creation
can manifest in ways that exceed our expectations.
This will create the most magnificent synchronicity
into Form
We are by deafault telepathically broadcasting our desires into the Universal Template and most people are consistently relaying negative thoughts about what they don't want.
will EMPOWER YOU to both
What you want instead of What you don't want
Become aware of the intuitive impulses which are your telepathic messages
so that you follow-through or let-go to achieve results.
uses all of the modalities I offer
Specifically targeted to your challenges.
All of the Processes are based on Integrating
ALL of the layers of our existance
Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual.
EFT removes unconscious saboteurs lurking beneath our awareness
Tarot & Clairvoyance bring flashes of insight.
Guided Meditional Journeys may also be utilized
to help you reach
Expanded states of Awareness on a regular basis.
The Allowing Process is designed to be taken in consecutive sessions in order to be effective.
(438) 410-5360